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Annual Reports & Research

Annual Reports

Our Annual Reports showcase the positive impact we’re making on country people and regional communities, in addition to providing a transparent view of our financial health.

Published research

We partner with the universities including University of South Australia and Flinders University to conduct research projects that enhance service delivery and drive positive outcomes for the individuals and communities we serve. This evidence-based approach allows us to expand our knowledge, foster innovation, and create meaningful change.

For more information, we encourage you to peruse our current and completed research projects below.

Evaluation of the SA Healthy Towns Challenge: Woodward Park Upgrade Focusing on Early Years Wellbeing

What does it take to work in remote community services?

What would optimise current practice to support the best outcomes for country people living with multiple and complex needs?

What are the experiences of children in care in the country and what would help them to flourish?

How can connectedness be achieved in hub-and-spoke organisations?

Young country women’s perceptions of intimate partner violenc

The Social and Economic Value of Country-based Community Service Organisations.

Developing an engagement model to enable person-centred practice in community services.

A report on an evaluation of the Uniting Country SA Micro Credit Loan Scheme and client outcomes.

A report on the implementation of the UCSA Child Aware Approach.

Perceptions of women and men on reducing men’s perpetration of domestic violence

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